Genomic Analysis Portal (GAP) is our tool focused specifically on genomic analysis.

Here, one can explore and compare genomic variation in TB Portals data, use open source drug resistance prediction algorithms, and browse the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome.


Explore and analyze genomic variants

resistance prediction

Predict resistance to TB drugs

genome browser

Browse the TB genome

Drug-Resistance Prediction

The resistance prediction tool allows users to apply resistance prediction algorithms to genomic sequences they’ve uploaded. The analysis will provide a summary of predicted drug resistance for specific drugs for each algorithm chosen. It also can display all of the results in a comparative manner.


Find genomically similar samples

GAP's distance calculation feature enables a user to select a TB Portals genomic sample and find its next closest matches among the TB Portals dataset based on the number of different polymorphisms. Select metadata about the similar samples are visualized in the analysis results.


Find samples with variants of interest

The variant search function allows users to search for and identify specific genomic variants in the TB Portals dataset. Users may search for variants by gene, protein, Refseq ID, or time period. GAP lists all variants in the TB Portals dataset associated with a specific query, along with the sample IDs of those samples associated with them. Cohorts can be created for the variant of interest and explored in other TB Portals tools.
