
The TB Portals Ecosystem

TB Portals exist as an open, web-based platform to facilitate meta-domain and domain specific TB data exploration and analysis. The TB Portals database contains linked clinical, bacterial genomic, and medical imaging data from TB patient cases. These data directly feed into our four data tools, and each tool provides a unique way of exploring and analyzing TB Portals data.


We have built meta-domain and domain-specific tools to explore and analyze TB Portals data. Users can view and analyze all domains of TB Portals data together in Case Browser and Data Exploration Portal (DEPOT); genomics and radiomics data can be singularly explored in Genomic Analysis Portal (GAP) and Radiomics Analysis Portal (RAP), respectively.

Case Browsing – TB Portals Case Visualization

Explore case records, including clinical, imaging, and bacterial genomic information, from the TB Portals.

DEPOT - Multi-domain Data Analysis

Create and statistically compare virtual TB case cohorts across all data domains in DEPOT.

GAP – Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Genomics

Explore cases through GWAS, drug-resistance prediction, and network analysis in GAP.

RAP – Radiomics

Visualize chest X-rays and CT studies from TB Portals cases and use them to create virtual case cohorts in RAP.

Integration between tools

Users are not limited to analyses in only one tool. TB Portals registered users can select and view specific cohorts of cases or data between the tools. For example, when logged in, a user may create a cohort of cases based on genomic or radiomic information in GAP or RAP; these cohorts are then available in DEPOT for viewing and analysis. Cohorts created in DEPOT can also be accessed in GAP and RAP.


Data for research

The TB Portals are designed so that users can explore and analyze data directly through the online platform. The tools may also help users identify data or case cohorts of interest for further analysis. All published TB Portals data are available for download.


Cloud-based environement

The TB Portals ecosystem is supported by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) and PostgreSQL on AWS Relational Database. For more information on the technical or software architecture, please refer to Glogowski et al. (In progress)
